Build It With Me Helps Connect Designers With Developers

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via TechCrunch by Daniel Brusilovsky on 12/8/09


Finding the right designers and/or developers can be very difficult. Build It With Me is hoping to solve that problem by connecting the two through their online service.

Build It With Me separates into two filters; People and Ideas. If you have an idea, you'll get categorized into the idea tab. If you're looking for projects to get involved in, then you'll go into the people tab, where possible partners can search for developers and designers.

When you submit an idea, it's fairly simple. You have the option of choosing a web app, Mac app, Windows app, iPhone app, Android app or another mobile platform like WebOS. After you choose the platform, you indicate the status of the idea. Is it in development now, or is it still a raw idea? You then have the option of letting people know the equity offering in the project, which is similar to what you can do with TechCrunch50 alum FairSoftware. You can then upload screenshots of the service, or wireframes, depending on the status of the project. You can add additional information on the project, and then you're good to go!

If you're someone who would like to get hired for a project, you have the option of adding your experience, what languages you know, what platforms you would like to work with—all the basic info.

Currently, on the home page of Build It With Me, you can see all the designers and developers looking for a gig, or if they have an idea for a project. If you click on a name, you get a taken to a section where it has the user's information including how much experience they have. It's the same information you would add to your personal profile for a developer or designer that gets shown public so people can find you.

The founder of Build It With Me, Drew Wilson, mentions that Build It With Me is working on some key features that are launching over the next few days. If you're a developer or designer and not sure who's working on your team, Build It With Me will have an option to join the team to see what they're working on, and to see if you are interested in joining a team for a project. The only actual way to join the team though, is to work on either the code or the design and take part in the development.

Also, there will be another user option coming up for people who are neither developers nor designers, but the creative types. So if you're an idea kind of person, you can still pitch in and create ideas, and build your team on top of that. Also being added shortly are private ideas where only members can view the idea or website. Currently, anyone can view ideas, designers or developers.

Although the basic idea of Build It With Me isn't revolutionary by any means, what is great is how the project is executed. If you're a freelancer, this is definitely a service to check out, and keep your eye on. The design is very well done, making it easy to use and navigate. Build It With Me is a project of Valio, the company behind the recently announced Firerift CMS.

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